The Latest 6/2/21

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I hope everyone is enjoying a nice long holiday weekend as we welcome in another great summer here at Cedarhurst. We have a lot of great plans and events this year which starts with “Taps Along The River” on Memorial Day at 10:00 AM. Below is the full article from the Bee courtesy of Lynn Wojcik. I’ve also attached the notes from our Board meeting held on the 20th which contains some great highlights.

A couple of those highlights are as follows:

The Cedarhurst Community Picnic will take place this year! Once again it will be a catered affair although we will supplement with some “pot luck” additions. The event has been scheduled for Saturday July 31st so mark your calendars! More to come.

Much discussion around additional activities at the beach including possible movie nights thanks to Chris Pace! Our Social Committee will meet soon to discuss even more so stay tuned. We are also working out the details around the grill for use at the beach which will be a nice addition for our members. More to come soon on this as well.

Work continues on our Mailbox project thanks to our Project Committee. The drainage and slab are complete and we will begin construction of the gazebo style structure soon. Then it’s on to new mailboxes. This will be a major facelift for our community!!

Our Garden Club continues to make nice strides around the neighborhood and our beach area is looking great. We would really appreciate any plants or donations you can spare to help beautify these areas. Simply respond to this note and I’ll pass along to the committee!

Our next Board Meeting will be Friday July 16th at 6:00 PM our home on the deck weather permitting. It will be our first in person in well over year and as always any resident is welcome.

Lastly, we will have a new website and email process in place soon that to Jeff Schult. It will eventually host all our notes, agendas, guides, etc. Looks like Cedarhurst will be joining the current century decade!!

Schedule Set For Memorial Day 2021 ‘Taps Along The Housatonic’                                   Published in The Newtown Bee: May 24, 2021

American Legion Post 202 invites the public to a special “Taps Along The Housatonic” Memorial Day observance planned for Monday, May 31.

Musicians and post members will assemble at eight different locations along the Housatonic River in Sandy Hook beginning at 10:10 am. Past district commander Mike Kellett initiated the event in 2020, since traditional celebrations were not possible due to COVID-19 restrictions. The post will commemorate again this year in similar fashion.

“Taps” will be played on one or two instruments at each location, with the ceremony lasting less than one minute. Most of the musicians are from Newtown, with a few special guests from neighboring towns. Saxophonists, trombonists, and trumpet players will be participating.

A father and son duo is among the musicians returning for this second annual observance. The father is a WWII Navy veteran who keeps up with his music, practicing every day.

“Taps,” a 24-note tune, is a distinctive melody traditionally played at US military funerals and memorials and as a lights-out signal to soldiers at night that dates from the American Civil War.

Those who wish to join may do so by putting their hand over their heart or rendering a hand salute to honor deceased veterans.

A short film by William Cafarelli will be available sometime after Memorial Day to include still photos and video footage of that day, as well as photos of veterans in uniform who have passed on, but who lived in Newtown at some time during their life. Military photos must be submitted prior to Memorial Day.

Last year’s film, “Taps Along the Housatonic, Newtown CT” also produced by Bill Cafarelli, is posted at

  • “Taps” locations this year are:
  • 10:10 am — Eichler’s Cove (limited capacity for parking);
  • 10:11 am — end of Mohawk Trail;
  • 10:12 am — end of Sweetbriar Lane;
  • 10:13 am — Riverside Drive, near Center Street (near Lorenzo’s Restaurant);
  • 10:14 am — Glen Road Silver Bridge (will be closed during observance);
  • 10:15 am — river/tree line at Walnut Tree Baseball Field, 2 Bridge End Farm Lane;
  • 10:16 am — Anthes Avenue; and
  • 10:17 am — Shady Rest Community Beach.

Participants are asked to maintain appropriate social distancing from those not in their own households. Those who are not vaccinated should plan to wear a mask. Volunteers are welcome and should contact the post. To learn more about the American Legion Post 202 or this event contact Sr Vice Commander Donna A Monteleone at or call or text 203-577-9568.


Author: jss

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