Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Cedarhurst!!!

How about the beauty of this snow!! It’s just so beautiful and what a backdrop we have living here on the lake. If you haven’t made your way down to the beach I would recommend it.

Our next board meeting will be held on Thursday January 27th at 6pm. Due to the rise in Covid we will hold this meeting via Zoom.

As always any member is welcome to listen in, and voice any comments or concerns. We do limit each member comment to three minutes.

The January meeting agenda is posted here: https://cedarhurstct.org/2022/01/10/jan-27-2022-board-meeting-agenda/

Here are somethings I would like to share with you.

Thank Yous
If you are wondering how you were able to access your mailboxes today its because of the kind act of Shawn Weber. He noticed our mailman could not get to the mailboxes and took his Quad and shoveled it out. Thank you, Mr. Weber, for taking time out of your day to make our mailboxes accessible.

Board Secretary
As many of you know Josef has resigned as Secretary due to his challenging job schedule. We will be electing a new Secretary at the next meeting. Thank you for everyone who offered to take over this position. It’s nice to know how many of you are interested in getting involved.

The new mailboxes will be installed this month. How exciting!

There will be a one time assessment of $50.00 to any active member that needs a mailbox. This one time fee is in addition to your annual dues. The entire mailbox project cost over $12,000.00. Project like this could not be done without our members annual dues! So thank you for being a part of this association.

  • The mailboxes are fully owned by Cedarhurst, Inc. and do not belong to anyone other then Cedarhurst, Inc. Annual membership is required to have continued access and privilege’s to these mailboxes.
  • Your 2022 membership invoices will have a section for the mailbox assessment of $50.00. If you are in need of a mailbox please make sure to to check the mailbox box on the invoice and include the $50.00 assessment with your other dues. Your dues are due on March 1st. We will mail and post the invoice to the website by the end of the month.
  • New mailbox keys will be given out to all homeowners by Tim Gibbons during the 3rd weekend in March. More details to follow as the time gets closes. Your dues and assessment must be paid prior to getting your keys.
  • The new mailboxes will become active on April 1st.
  • You must remove all your mail from the old boxes by March 31st.
  • Any mail not removed from the old boxes will be moved to your new mailboxes by the Post office as long as you are a member in good standing.
  • Any homeowner not in good standing or those that choose not to have a mailbox here at Cedarhurst must collect their mail from the old boxes by March 31st or the Mailman will take and hold your mail at the post office for 30 days for you to collect. If you choose not to have a mailbox at Cedarhurst the Post Office offers PO boxes for around $180.00 per year.

    Old mailboxes will be removed and destroyed the 1st week in April.

Finance Committee & Membership Invoices
Our Finance committee did an amazing job at keeping our annual dues the same as last year considering the large expenses of the mailboxes this year and our continued use of the forklift to put the docks in and out of the water. Our association is private which means we have to pay electric, Insurance, R/E taxes and property taxes on our roads and the property we own. Our 2022 budget is $22,250.00! It’s a lot of money for such a small association and this budget would be much higher if it weren’t for the help of all of us who pitch in and help. Examples are Shaun Weber for plowing the mailbox drive, Matt and Tim who built the docks, Jackie and Aaron who run the water system, and so many more of us. You all know who you are. THANK YOU!

Membership Invoices will be going out by the end of the month. Please be on the lookout. Your main dues that cover the operating costs of our association will be $275.00 and this is due on March 1st. Any payments received after the 1st of March will incur a late fee of $25.0

Board Meeting on Zoom – 6 p.m. Jan. 27th
Zoom Credentials:
Here are the credentials for the meeting. Remember if you want to ONLY join by phone – that is #2 below or if you want to join via computer that is #1 below – both work equally well!

1 — Join via computer by clicking: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89088957958
2 — Join via phone by dialing 1-646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID: 890 8895 7958

A look into the future
Our association has seen the biggest improvements over the last few years that included all new docks, a pumphouse and pump, mailbox pavilion, mailbox cluster units and the winch house structure. These are huge expenses and we could not have done it without our membership! So what’s next for Cedarhurst? Hopefully nothing major for a while! But if you have ideas for future improvements or amenities you would like to see please share your thoughts with us.

Christopher Pace
President – Cedarhurst Association, Inc.

Author: jss

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